Hamiltons in Ontario, New Zealand and Scotland meet to discuss their living wage efforts
See the supporting article at CBC Hamilton’s website.
In Hamilton, Ontario we’re striving to make our City the Best Place to Raise a Child. Yet many parents in Hamilton with low wage jobs end up facing impossible choices; buy their children clothing or heat the house, feed their families or pay the rent. Child poverty in Hamilton is very much a low wage story. Many children growing up in poverty live in families with working parents.
In fact, 30,000 of those living below the low income cut-off in Hamilton have jobs, but don’t earn enough to pull themselves and their families out of poverty. This impacts family health, education levels and our community’s future prosperity. The solution is both practical and simple; it’s called a Living Wage.
Isabella challenges us to think about Making Hamilton a Living Wage Community:
In February, 2012 CBC’s the National profiled Hamilton’s campaign to make our community a Living Wage wage city.
How you can get involved:
- Learn more about the benefits of becoming a living wage employer
- Become a Living Wage Champion
- Join the conversation about how we can make Hamilton a living wage community
- Talk to your colleagues, suppliers or customers about living wage
Living Wage Hamilton partners
Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction
McMaster Community Poverty Initiative
Social Planning and Research Council
Workforce Planning Hamilton (formerly Hamilton Training Advisory Board)